We have discovered that Dylan really REALLY loves oatmeal. The other day Kim sent me a picture of him using a spoon and all, and I'm just beaming about my big boy!! So, this morning, I get the feeling he wants a little brekky just like his older brothers are having, so I naturally fix him a bowl of oatmeal. I put him in the seat and hand him the spoon which he promptly ignores, instead choosing to dive in with both hands. Yes, he loves oatmeal. I would even say that he may be actually eating some of it!! He'll scoop up two grubby fist fulls of Quaker and bring them to the vicinity of his mouth. Some goes in, some goes in the hair, some on the cheeks...
So I ask Kim what gives with the picture of the spoon?! She just laughed and basically told me that he held the spoon for the picture, but that was about it!
A New Adventure
4 years ago