In my world, running is prayer and equivalent in all aspects. It is impossible for me to separate the two. When I am in a strong running groove, likewise, I'm in a strong prayer groove. Running rut = Prayer rut. It's time I get my groove back.
Stop me if you've heard this before, but during the last few lunch runs I've felt a theme running through my mind. My "Spirit-Man" is a Champ, but my flesh is a Chump. Sometimes the Champ doesn't feel like coming out, so the Chump claims victory. I hate that. Sometimes the Champ takes a dive. I hate that even more.
Stop me if you've heard this before, but during the last few lunch runs I've felt a theme running through my mind. My "Spirit-Man" is a Champ, but my flesh is a Chump. Sometimes the Champ doesn't feel like coming out, so the Chump claims victory. I hate that. Sometimes the Champ takes a dive. I hate that even more.
Let's face it, life is just one big race. We have no choice but to run it. We all will cross the finish line one day. When we do, the Judge will not ask us if we placed in our age group. He'll look inside our hearts and be able to tell instantly if we threw the race.
Run so as to win, my friends.
Bonus Lesson from my Spirit Man:
Run with your head up, looking forward towards the finish line. Keep it in your sights. If you're always looking down, you won't see what hazard is coming at you. While swimming in a triathlon you have to sight where you are going after every couple of strokes, otherwise you'll go way off course in the water.