Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wake Me Up When September Ends

"Summer has come and passed,
The innocence can never last.
Wake me up when September ends."
--Green Day, "Wake Me Up When September Ends"

I can't believe how quickly time has flown this summer. As September draws to a close, I thought I'd post a quick note on what we did this past month.

First of all, we began the 2009 - 2010 school year! Evan is now in 4th grade and Elliot is in the 1st grade. We needed a better space for our homeschool room, so we decided to make the breakfast area the Homeschool room. This has worked out well. There is more space for all the boys to be in the area at once(Drew is pre-K 4, and he has his own desk and workbook and Dylan is constantly wanting to be near his brothers...the room at the top of the stairs just wasn't fit for that many students), and now Kim has her very own Sewing Room! She has made several nifty little items such as a purse and a coffee thingy that replaces the cardboard one that goes on your Starbucks cup. She's so crafty. Here's a picture of the Homeschool Area for 2009 - 2010. I'll let Kim post a picture of her Sewing Room.

With the start of the school year, so too begins the Cub Scouts. Evan is a Webelos I this year and they've been meeting all summer long. Elliot, however, had his first official Cub Scout meeting and he is just so excited. I've actually volunteered to be an assistant den leader since their den has 15 boys (yikes!) We are gearing up to go camping for the Fall Family Campout in two weeks. Pop will be joining us once again and we look to pick up where we left off. The boys are all so excited and so am I! Here's a picture of Evan and Elliot before Elliot's first Tiger den meeting!

September was a difficult month on the fitness front. I had to accept that I had not adequately trained for the Olympic Triathlon in Dallas, and had to drop out. The blow also hit my ego which responded with hearty case of the "don't wants" for all things fitness related. I did, however, manage to run Monday (small victory). It is all good, though, because now that I am not going to do the Tri, I will be able to go camping as mentioned previously.

And I can't fail to mention the ACTS Retreat. I've been running from it for 3 years but it seems like 10! Thanks to all those who kept nudging me to go because it was wonderful. The Holy Spirit was definitely moving and working in there that weekend. There certainly are no coincidences, and I was certainly meant to be on that exact one. Amazing.

1 comment:

Linda said...

school room looks great!