Wednesday, October 07, 2009


I've always yearned to have the true gift of Multi-Tasking:  to do several things both simultaneously and WELL!  I have the several things simultaneously down's the "well" part that I don't have.  I'm working on it.  For the most part, I just try to get as many things done as possible, and if there's any way to combine tasks and complete them at the same time, its all the better.  Which brings me to today's post.

One of the things I was thinking about yesterday was the phrase "doing the LORD's work," and I envisioned God as my boss sitting behind His desk and me sitting there with Him receiving instruction.  God has a job for all of us to do and we need to think long and hard if we are doing our jobs as well as we possibly can.  Following the "God-as-our-boss" analogy, we are paid a salary by God, and it is a truly equal salary that we are paid.  We are paid in TIME.  God gives everyone the same 24 hours in a day.  How well am I spending the time I've been given?  How much of the time that I've been given have I used to His Glory vs. chasing after my own selfish wants and desires?

Then came my lunch run and in the true spirit of wanting to multi-task and make good use of the one hour of time that I have been given for lunch I decide to run and to pray the rosary.  I've been talking a lot lately about God and Running and Spiritual vs. Physical fitness, so it only seems logical to finally and officially marry the two so they truly become one!  So here I am running and praying the rosary and then the thought occurs to me that I should be using this time to evangelize.  But how?  Hmmm, I wonder how many people see me huffing and puffing as I make 3 rounds around the block?  I wonder if I wore a shirt that had a Godly message on it?  What would that message be?

So, that's it.  I'm now on a quest to create some simple, Godly-Themed Shirts to use as I run.  My first Idea is below.  I created this on

Front of Shirt:  All You Need is GOD

Back of Shirt:  GOD is All You Need

It needs to be simple and to the point.  And honestly, I'm wanting these messages to bring Faith, Hope and Love to anyone seeking it, even if it means they stop me and want to talk about it.  So I'm just trying to think of a few good ideas that will make people stop and think of God if they see the message.

Please post here with some simple messages that you think would be good to put on a shirt that would spread the love of God!


christina said...

i had a vision of catholic onesie's that say "i'm Catholic, Baby!"

"when you've had ENOUGH, you'll see He's Enough."

*gave "LOST" and "FOUND" to a steubenville shirt a few years ago..but have always loved that one.

Alice said...

I like your t-shirt. Will you have to pay royalties to the Beatles? BTW--I need a size small. In pink if possible. And remind me to tell you my Jehovah's Witness story about evangelization sometime. Keep Bringing It!

Linda said...

how about:

'got God?'